with Sri Ganesh

A welcoming nest Wherein The silent change May take place –

To this work you clear the way, To this work You usher, This work You protect...

- 22-01-14:

... It is a strange weather: clouds shift across the sky at speed and there are moments when drops of rain reach the ground, even while it remains mostly sunny... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesha, Mysterious Ganesha, The same Energy Constantly links and connects A multitude of points, Through which at any time You may appear, Rich and ready To block or to clear –

Tat Karattaaya Vidmahe

Beautiful Instrument Of the Grace...

- 23-01-14:

... G. had announced that there would be a donation from herself as well as one from P. and yet these remained empty words by the time she left Pondy; so I had wanted to remind her, because it matters in our relationship that words and intents are acted upon. While I am sitting before Sri Ganesh, she phones from Amritsar to apologize and promises she will send a cheque.


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