with Sri Ganesh

You have prepared And wear the qualities, And Agni is at the apex Of your triangle, And all has been laid Before The Shakti...


- 17-01-14:

... Rs. 50/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, I am with you in Auroville. This is a fact that fits neither here nor there. Yet it has its function in a future which is being born.

Sri Ganesh, Neat and clean and generous You bless the path...

- 18-01-14:

... Early this morning, in the cool air, there came a few drops of rain; but now the sky has opened to the sunrays again...

In every one of your yajnas Those forces and beings That have come to serve Are each recognized And honored, Opening the Way For a great cooperative Universe –

And thus they join Her Army And attain fulfillment

By the true Treasure –


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