with Sri Ganesh

Of the Path, Leader of the Beings, Great and Puissant And Clear Is the Harmony You wield, As you serve The One...

- 13-01-14:

Today is “Bhogi”, the first day of Pongal, and I set fire to the pile of dry debris... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sometimes Sri Ganesh You seem to roam, With happy poise, In the elements, A beacon here and there,

A reminder And a call –

And nothing can breach The field of force Around you...

Sweet Ganesha Aum

- 14-01-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Watchful you ride about, Benevolent and A little Jaunty, As if some laughter Was nearby Burbling, A quiet mirth In its timeless cocoon Of harmony –


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