with Sri Ganesh

And the Protection is laid On both the sides, Till one learns how to resolve Every obstacle through Identity and conscious self-giving – And the very Riches You emanate Are but a promise Of the Plenitude that will reign When this progress Is made...

- 08-01-14:

... Rs. 130/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You are brimming With the Blessings, As if you wanted to spread A contagion Of true harmony And nourishing light – As if, the more this world Was assailed And betrayed And the more the Shakti Poured of Herself So that the Change May Take place...

... In the afternoon I go purchase new stocks of oils, incense and camphor in the market and spend Rs. 1,500/-.

- 09-01-14:

... In the night I was suddenly sick and had to vomit and empty my whole system; there had been no warning. Then I struggled so that it may not turn into another major trouble. And this morning I forgot, or


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