with Sri Ganesh

And Sri Ganesh is magnificent, A warm, dense, golden presence In the Cave of the world...

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 17-11-13: Douce Mère ... 40 years have passed...

- 18-11-13:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You appear to be very active, As if moved From within your mass By a dynamic core Of divine love, And sometimes it seems, As you step forward, That disorder ensues, Yet it is not Mere disordering, but a puissant And intent Upheaving and sowing Of the Lord’s Powers...


- 19-11-13:

... Parthy has offered, from the sales of his crop of rice to the Cooperative, Rs. 150/-, along with a bottle of clear water he collected near the source of the little stream in Thiruvannamalai on Sunday evening... Another Rs. 40/- are offered...

Wrapped in the Qualities You are seated,


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