with Sri Ganesh

- 06-11-13:

Sri Ganesh, Brother and King of the Ways, You appear today With what is most needed = The Power of Existence – With compassion and flaming love It flows, But the moulds must be

Prepared, The Path Must be cleared...

Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

... At noon, without any wind or rain, the transformer short-circuits again, with a big crack and bang...! In Pondy in the afternoon I spend Rs. 1,100/- to purchase new stocks of incense, oils and camphor.

- 07-11-13:

Right in Her Court, Sri Ganesh, You have gathered the attention – You are telling a tale, A great moving tale Of Light and Love and Loyalty, You are telling the tale With every part of your figure, With masterful expressiveness And measured intensity,

And yet the telling is Contained and held And everyone in Her Court Watches eagerly, For in this tale The main powers are Aspiration and the turning


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