with Sri Ganesh

... At night, the cloud-cover sets in finally and a slow and quiet rain begins to fall and continues into the next day.

- 21-10-13:

... Rs. 10/- are offered... The rain stopped sometime last night. It is all now grey and cool and tranquil...

Sri Ganesh, Straddling creation And welcome on all planes, Yours is a figure Of Her Love – And whenever you appear You bear the Fire Of Progress, When the path is cleared For the Lord’s Becoming...

Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 22-10-13:

... Rs. 30/- are offered...

Your Posture today, Sri Ganesh, Is of Remembrance –

It is a Proud and Wholesome Salute To the Two who are One –

Who are All –

The Lord and the Shakti, The Shakti and the Lord, And all Universes


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