with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, Let it act...


- 16-10-13:

... This morning I have brought from home a small bronze figure of Garuda. For some time now we have had one of Hanuman on one side of the Mother’s feet in the inner shrine and I have wanted to have Garuda on the other side... So now Sri Ganesh has his two brothers in creation to stand by the Mother...! Rs. 20/- have been offered...

All adorned with tender Fire, Sri Ganesh, You are seated In the sacred clearing, And the powers of Nature Silently join Your prayer – Happy is your bearing, Even though there may be Ruin abroad, For the air you breathe Is the Shakti’s, Infinite, inexhaustible And timeless...


- 17-10-13:

Beautiful Ganesha, Surya and Maheshwari, Vishnu and Agni, Vayu and Varuna And the Ashwins, All are playing About you As you appear, Symbol and messenger,


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