with Sri Ganesh

Love and Laughter, Mass and Force, You are The first Brother...!

Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 28-09-13:

Sri Ganesh, Are we building something together, Is this really a service...? You are so beautiful And clear and clean and deep And in constant Renewal And widening ever more And equal And happy... Could this be a relay...?

Wondrous Ganesha... Aum

- 30-09-13:

... Rs. 130/- are offered... ... I am a little perplexed at the condition of the body: it seems sometimes that I am gradually going blind and, as for the legs, the struggle continues at every single step and I seem to make no headways...! Isn’t it so ridiculous…?

Sri Ganesh, Replete with Joy and Plenty, Festive with a Vermilion Glow, Throbbing with Unassailable Prosperity, You slowly advance, Leader of the Armies, The Great Brother Commander, Teaching one and all,


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