with Sri Ganesh

Sweet Ganesha Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 11-09-13:

... Cleaning and cleaning and cleaning... Rs. 10/- are offered...

- 12-09-13:

... The garden is splendid... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Mahaganapati, Seated in Akash With the Truth of the Land About you, Holding the highest office For Her Sake alone... You see all, You watch all, You listen to Her Alone And preserve, away From time and thieves, Her Harmony...

- 13-09-13:

... Rs. 20/- are offered... The weather is perfect and the garden, wonderful...

Namaste, Sri Ganesh…!

- 14-09-13:

... Today I remove the dress and the expression of Chaturthy this year – and prepare then a new transition. Thus, after a week, I do puja again. I do not know anything. ... Rs. 20/- are offered...


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