Questions and Meditations

29 Solidarity

In the times of empires, invaders and colonialists, physical distances signified the unknown – adventurers and explorers were discovering other versions of humanity, which they naturally preferred to consider as inferior. This allowed them to deem themselves justified in their ill-treatment, exploitation and enslaving of these “others”. Today the boat of the world holds all of the versions, side by side and sometimes mixed, getting accustomed willy-nilly to one another come what may and despite the many long-hoarded violences.

The inequalities within the societies are thereby only more pronounced.


( Message sent to the participants of the movement named “Yellow vests” which erupted suddenly and spontaneously in reaction to the French Government’ announcement of a tax-increase on petrol as a measure to contribute to the collective transition to clean and green energies, a measure which would however affect only the lower para-urban middle class depending on their personal vehicles for their daily routine, while the wealthier citizens had earlier been exempted from taxes on their revenues. “Greetings. This is to communicate the great interest and concern I feel for this collective push still free of ideology and political maneuvering, from India where I live, and to share with you two objectives: 1- Do not let yourselves be persuaded to organize centrally nor to designate representatives or leaders, for this would be the end of it; on the contrary you all must remain scattered but active in the ways you have practiced so far and compel the authorities – government and politicians – to review everything at the base and to act accordingly. 2- Let me propose here, if I may, the text of a call which could be published and aired on social media and on the net until it reaches all concerned =


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