Questions and Meditations
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However, from the point of view of the physical human creature developed by earth-nature, this singular creature tied in its cage with its concrete needs and repetitive rhythms, why at all wish for anything beyond its reach and ken? For, whatever happens, it is undeniable that very soon, perhaps even tomorrow, this body will stop functioning and will decompose and “I” shall be no more. Is it not better and wiser, then, to wish only for what is immediately or rapidly accessible?
With a little luck, effort and perseverance, to educate oneself so as to find a remunerative job and a decent place in society, to found a family and provide it with relative security, to make no enemies, to enjoy good health for as long as possible and to depart in peace – is it really necessary or even useful at all to wish for more?
What is the responsibility of the “powerful people” of this world?
Where are the roots and origins of the devouring, devastating madness that has seized and taken hold of humanity?
Always we model our conduct after the image that is shown us of a desirable and promising perfection.
Hitler. Genghis Khan. Mao Tse Tung.
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