Questions and Meditations


For our unbridled practices are now contaminating even the subtle atmosphere of the Earth.


Each individuality which has become conscious of its inner or higher being gradually discovers the terms of its own unique relation to this ineffable, immeasurable Reality – whether we name it the Divine or That or the Goal to be reached, the perfection to be attained, the harmony to be realized, or the highest ideal of Unity to be served.

To each one one’s own religion.


And rallying thus to the highest and deepest truth one is able to perceive, one may observe that the necessary work of unification essentially agrees to that which every other conscious individuality must do.


We want the Good of all that is.

If one could actually wish for, conjure up and effectively invoke an atmosphere ideal for all, an atmosphere that would be, according to our present understanding, the most favorable to a continuous harmonious evolution, of which qualities, virtues, attributes and states would it be composed? To begin with and as a foundation, there would be Calm and Peace = invariable, inalterable, conscious and constant. Upon this basis of calm and peace would then manifest, together, the pure joy of existence, the universal benevolence that can understand all, the sense or rhythms and beauty, the perception of the Grace, the will and taste for progress – and a thankful gratitude for all the possibilities material reality offers.


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