Questions and Meditations

“We”? Who is that?

In proportion to the present totality of humanity, still far too rare are those individuals who are conscious of a deeper inner being which belongs neither to the instrumental nature nor to the personal ego, but to another dimension of existence and subtly participates in the whole experience.


The life and death of the body appear to dominate all knowledge.

Yet the life-force in us knows itself to be eternal and, in the measure of our identification with its nature, it is spontaneously impossible to actually sense or feel our own finiteness – we then confuse this eternity with an illusory permanence of our present personal formation which can only be provisional.


The mind-force in us knows itself capable of progressing indefinitely in its observation, discovery, understanding, knowledge and mastery of the material universe. Inasmuch as we are identified with it, we are convinced of our infinite potential and can never really believe that its source could ever actually disappear = suddenly cease to exist.


Each individualization thus represents a unique association, an original composition in constant flux, of those three constituents of the incarnated human person = the physical, the vital and the mental. An association which can remain largely unconscious until its cessation – unconscious as the nestling is of the depths, heights and immensities that surround it, carry it and allow it to exist.



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