Questions and Meditations
We must choose.
The peril is there.
For we are presently yielding to a virtual world which, although it seems to us to be the magical fruit of our survival capacity, whose combinations, permutations end extensions are probably infinite, yet grows like a constant parasite that is robbing us of our flame of aspiration and call. We need to shake this hypnosis off, we need to call and call and call, wherever we are, as breath, as food, as water, to call this veritable Good that alone can put everything in its place, quieten and soothe and relieve and change everything.
Is calling an act?
Is it enough for us to be calling, individually, or in groups?
The call is indispensable, if only because we do not actually know how to resolve the impasses humanity has moved into and all the “solutions” we might consider would inevitably be partial and fragmented. But the call alone is like a mute cry: one must associate it with a process, an action, even while knowing that this process and this action will surely fall short and fail us, one must give a body and a vehicle to this cry, make it circulate, make it resonate and rise and flame and reach – and it teaches us to open and to receive. Thus, the citizens’ movements, punctual acts, the protests and testimonies, the healing works and the beneficial innovations, every such action may associate with the call, draw strength from it and give it substance. To act without any attachment, with all the necessary conviction and commitment, yet without ever being reduced to it, such is the responsibility each of us is to respect.
For above all we must put ourselves into the transforming current and let it flow and let it work.
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