Questions and Meditations

There is the terrestrial field of events and circumstances and there is the vibratory milieu emanated simultaneously by the innumerable multitude of forms and of living and conscious creatures, the myriads vehicles of consciousness in Matter, from crystal to mankind.


Must one not - as She, the Mother, has indicated -, “be conscious of the whole world at the same time to be conscious of the Divine”?

Is this not precisely what, together, the body and the soul, the corporeal consciousness and the psychic consciousness, in an ardent receptivity to the supramental Principle and its direct action, must become able to apprehend, establish and develop so that the offering and the change may grow concrete? Is this not precisely too what an enlightened ecologist, whose individual consciousness has realized the interdependence and unity of all that is, must learn and is learning to practice?


Many are the degrees of interiority, of immediacy, as well as are the gradations of universality.


As yet we hardly know how to conciliate, in our experience, individual reality and collective reality – the unique person and the numbers.

We do feel pain, horror or compassion and we partially share in the suffering of one individual, one body, or even of several bodies together, but our empathy ceases to operate when the numbers exceed this limit. Thus even doctors, nurses and health workers experience a threshold of empathy beyond which their sensitivity dulls and subsides. Why is that?


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