Questions and Meditations

However, is not the transition that invites us presently still more essential and altogether more radical, and does it not signify as well the acceding which was wished, prayed and hoped for, the goal Nature has ever sought to reach in its evolutionary work of the ages, the living and material blossoming of this Being and this Reality we truly are beyond all vicissitudes?


And are not there, in this very same material human body precisely, the clues and potentials of another leap, another evolutionary passover, here itself?


Once upon a time, at the verge of the passage to the mentalized condition of the living material human being upon earth, there was an unfathomable pressure – which could only be apprehended by a sort of tentative upsurge of recognition, faith or veneration. Yet the actual organic consciousness of the body was becoming aware of or sensitive to another perception, as of another time arising within the vital time or overlooking it and, by incomprehensible snatches and glimpses, was learning to familiarize with a new sense and perspective of the environment, as well as of all circumstances and relationships. And the seat of the physical consciousness was gradually shifting to the front of the brain.


Today it is all there, together and simultaneously: all the influences from all origins and planes are expressing themselves in mankind, whose number has like a cancer invaded the whole Earth.


The body itself is not encumbered by self-consciousness. Trained and accustomed since very long to endure, accept and accommodate the whims and imperious demands of the residents of the house, it must function as its majordomo, habituated to ungratefulness,


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