Questions and Meditations

When Kundalini awakens in a human being, an event triggered or obtained through a persistent effort of concentration and strong intent, it opens up as it rises, through plexus after plexus, the corresponding invisible worlds. And if the primary intention is not pure enough, this can bring about or produce an invasion of influences which the concerned individuality knows not and cannot master.


The White Force, the Descending and transformative Force, on its part, is love, unity and awareness. At its touch and under its pressure, adoration spreads in the entire being and the body itself experiences it as the one sure and concrete answer.


Being humans, our vessel is governed by the Mind.

Sometimes, rarely still, more inwardly motivated individuals succeed in rising and uniting at the height of their consciousness with a spiritual presence. But, in our unchanged nature, we are alike the reflection of the Person in troubled waters.


The true Person awaits. And the Time has come. This is the ultimate combat.


Since ever we hold the internal conviction that there exists a perfection of ourselves and that mankind bears its entire and wholesome truth, even though this conviction is ceaselessly and painfully negated.

This human being that one is, this humanity that we are, is it a Workshop?


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