Questions and Meditations
If, as some states of consciousness show us, everything, absolutely everything that has ever been manifested continues to exist, as if indelibly recorded and eternally present, is there a Force – of Consciousness, Existence and Joy – that is able to watch over a new creation upon this earth and to lead it to a shared reality entirely free of the contradictions brought about by separation?
Love? The Force of Love?
But which sort of love?
It is said that those who are responsible for the disorder and disharmony are those who must work at restoring order and harmony or at establishing a new equilibrium, superior and sovereign. However, if we soon learn, in our laboratories, to trigger new atomic or molecular associations, at once stable and active, that would for instance decompose materials become inert so as to help repairing and cleansing the environment and to restore a more welcoming and durable terrestrial milieu, do we not run the risk of thereby initiating some other unpredictable process which we will not be able to master?
Are new enzyme or new microbes going to constitute the clean-up armies, crumbling to dust our millions of dented bidets, billions of rusted broken down vehicles, our mountains of diapers?
Does an absolute evil exist?
What is the point of getting indignant, of condemning, what is even the point of comparing?
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