Questions and Meditations
As for the atheist, the agnostic, the faithless, he is obliged to reflect and question and to seek to discern the values, qualities, virtues and faculties that constitute the essence of the human being and guarantee its integrity while providing it with a leverage for its progress as well as a moral of conduct that may pass the tests of time and help to respond to the circumstances of this world wherein it is anchored – and this without ever having to rely on any superior reality. Yet, in fact as in practice, very rare today are those individuals who are either true believers or truly without faith, for everyone eventually becomes jaded or disillusioned by the limits and contradictions of all dogma as of all positioning.
And all of us together gathered on this single ship seem to be rushing towards annihilation - of our human existence at any rate.
How to hasten the awakening - the effective awakening, through and through, of our ambivalent and precarious condition?
And can we even possibly awaken? Shall we not be terrified?
For such is the conundrum of our state: with whatever the plans and energies of mind and life have provided us, we have tried to occupy the emptiness of absence, which is the consequence of our having grown separated. Having at our disposal the faculty of imagination, we keep peopling the future with a multitude of artifacts ever more sophisticated and performing, serving ever more puissant societies and personae, wavering between good and evil and from worst to best, those advances being reflected in our present times by the technological applications we elect to make of our scientific discoveries – and these choices betray us.
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