Questions and Meditations
But they are voracious indeed and will not cease from sating and reproducing themselves, meeting such acquiescence in our damaged nature as they do.
The physical body of this individuality that has become conscious of the one true and permanent Presence, awakens to a wholly new learning and training process, as yet fragile and vulnerable, but filled with a silent light and a nascent joy. But the work to be done and the way to be trod in order to attain to this physical state of unfettered, conscious plenitude that is sensed or divined like a beckoning, awaiting future, seem at once so concrete and so formidable that even the most developed mental and vital faculties appear futile: this progress can only be accomplished by the action of the true Consciousness-Force. For the consciousness of the body, as it awakens, understands more and more clearly that, to become able to physically manifest this Presence in the infinite play of its diversity, one must necessarily come out of the animality: one must no longer be dependent on all the functions and organs of our developed animal bodies to exist in the material world, but replace them with more direct modes of functioning for the absorption and emission of energy, for the constant renewal of the cells, the progressive perfecting and the free prolongation of the material form as for its chosen disappearance or disintegration. No doubt, this objective is still distant but, here and there and most often unexpectedly, the signs and glimpses of this possible future do suddenly rise in a multitude of fleeting, singular and partial experiences that are yet profoundly moving and unforgettable.
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