Questions and Meditations

8 Here and there and everywhere

One searches and searches on – looking, seeing, feeling, seizing, grasping all one can, one searches for this one single common point of transmission, this point of direct, immediate, universal communication, or at least human, this threshold, this instant opening through which the Harmony of the True, the true harmony, may pass and flow, circulate, act and manifest in all the consciousnesses at once and, through them, in the circumstances of the Earth.

One searches and searches on, how to serve this saltus, this transit and this seeding, how to hasten it.

One well understands that an unshakable, unalterable calm, an irreversible equality, are indispensable for this service. A sovereign impersonality, established and wholly offered, must already rule all the movements and activities of the being. But, as one is still so far and separate from It, one is tempted to… to what?... to renounce, to give up? No, but, knowing the imperfection of one’s condition, to nonetheless try and serve, without having obtained this realization, without having changed enough yet!!! Because the urgency seems to grow almost by the day if not by the hour – and one prays for the undoing and dissolution of the very possibility of destruction: of an immeasurable loss and waste from the point of view of the consciousness emitted and of the experience in Matter on the path of Evolution.


No doubt, human nature has long striven to conciliate its appetites and greeds with its intelligence and its sense of balance – and its practices of dominance and allegiance, or submission, of exploitation and dependency, of seduction and subterfuges, are so ancient and tested that they seem eternal and incontrovertible.


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