Questions and Meditations
Earth is grievously injured and hurt: down deep into its innards it must endure the noxious effects of our ravages. Would we, could we still tend it and heal it and see that it recovers its balance and its integrity, cleanse its atmosphere and, at last, give it all the love it deserves from us.
Sentimentalism? Anthropomorphism?
Today, wherever we may live upon this wondrous planet, we know in and with our bodies the scale of its anger, of its rage, of its impatience – or of its distress? We have seen and felt and sensed it heave and shake, erupt and rush and mow and trample everything, dislodge, uproot, pulverize and grind mercilessly.
But whatever may be the occult chronicles of vanished continents, of very ancient accomplished societies that succumbed to their own vice and partiality, or the cellular memories of an epoch without any hurt or discord when all creatures of all species could mutually recognize one another and the human being stood like a promise, and whether it all occurred a hundred or a thousand times, never has there been anywhere such a formidable acceleration – towards a convergence, or a conflagration? The human species so spread out and populous, so actively harmful, so very contradictory, so very near to discovery and transformation, as to defeat and disintegration, never has it occurred anywhere, but here and now.
Yes indeed, Earth can destroy us all with but a flick of its will, one sees that, or it can make this material existence so harsh and hard that our present organisms will not be able to adapt: we are destroying it, it is destroying us – is this only about it and us, about mankind and the earth, about the failure of an evolutionary association?
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