Questions and Meditations
At the level of peoples and nations, the measures to be taken are known and, by now, self-evident. - To halt the growth and expansion of large cities and to redistribute the necessary infrastructure in the smaller towns and villages, while encouraging local initiatives. - To halt the animal food industry and to convert its capacities. - To halt the armament industry and to convert its capacities. - To halt noxious chemical fertilizers and pesticides industry and to convert its capacities. - To halt all harmful extraction of fossil matter and all excessive exploitation of natural resources – activities which degrade the environment. - To better support and stimulate scientific researches, by freeing the numerous patents that have been occulted by self-serving industrial and financial entities and by turning all progress towards the realization of a material harmony for all. - To cease from blindly reproducing ourselves. - To encourage and facilitate a responsible economy wherein each one learns to give and to receive in the respect of the oneness of all that is. - To rehabilitate the dignity of all work. - To orient society towards an agreement that would ensure minimum universal revenue. - To support and promote free access to practical know-how and information in all languages currently used so as to allow everyone to acquire a concrete and creative autonomy.
However another virulent specter must also be faced, understood and integrated in humanity’s awakening – that of fanaticism. Both identity and religious fanaticisms, exacerbated exclusivisms, must be appeased and their causes comprehended so that, on the one hand, the forces that feed from their excess of sanctified violence may desist and, on
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