Questions and Meditations

Are time and space – space-time, spaces-times – more than one, more than two, more than several, are they infinitely numerous? Are they simultaneous, parallel, interdependent? Do they ride, cross, influence one another? And from here, from this body and this matter, concrete and perishable, can we have access to these other dimensions? Can these other realities have access to ours? Is there exchange, is there exploitation? Is collaboration possible? Look at these kids absorbed by the vagaries of a virtual violence so sovereign that only those internalized sensations it triggers and stimulates remain real – bodies are forgotten, human distress, sorrow and fear and pleasure, everything is recuperated by the frantic, endlessly varied setting, direction and enactment of violence: there is no more horror, no more awakening, there is only all-powerful, magical nourishment. Look at these adults unreservedly engrossed in the market of sex images they can no longer live without, have they not forgotten how to give, how to offer themselves, how to celebrate the human care and tenderness in Matter?

How many are we not who no longer wish anything but to be caught and captured, exempted from responsibility, so we may forget the want that reigns in our lives?

Thus can one select one’s preferred drug, one’s brand of hypnosis and possession, so as to “pass the time”, so as to no longer be this hollow shell, this wandering wreck, this dull day and this absence that never end, or these dramas so heavy and so vain that one wants to run.



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