Questions and Meditations
For this particular lord entity wanted first and foremost to secure its grip on the Earth – the site of evolution. And when its instruments met with unyielding resistance in humanity and its strategy was derailed by the sword of a Light it recognized, it had to withdraw – but, doing so, it swore to take its revenge.
Such entities do not wish to incarnate here in this terrestrial material reality, but only to feed indefinitely upon it, to influence and dominate it, to keep it separated and at its mercy and, to that end, to prevent it from evolving towards its own unique realization of the One, of the Divine, of the manifest Supreme. They have their seat primarily in one or the other of the vital worlds, but they also operate in domains of the Mind and at times have an innate access, by a kind of ancient right or privilege, to planes of the Overmind. For, in this very world, in this physical and material condition which we believe to be the only one to exist, upon this Earth where we sojourn in these vulnerable mortal bodies, concretization is irreversible: what is done cannot be undone, one cannot go back in time, two objects cannot occupy the same space, every experience is direct and precise and generates objective consequences within an immeasurable interactive complexity and each human being must perforce learn to make a choice at every moment. While the other worlds offer divers degrees of flexibility, of instantaneous creativity, of almost infinite simultaneities, our material world here is unbending in its exactitude as in its laws. But it holds a Grace which no other world possesses. This is the secret of terrestrial evolution, this secret which one can reach or attain nowhere else, of the reciprocal creative Grace manifesting in two aspects = on the side of the human being, through the conscious creature’s dignity and on the side of the Supreme, of the Fundament of all that is, manifesting through Love. And by this Grace the consciousness progresses.
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