Questions and Meditations
Or even, all those of us who are the irreducible ones, who will not yield even under the most cruel and intense agony or the most ingenious and convincing temptations, their essential humanity?
Is it not often said that every human being has its price?
In the language of adversity, rare, very rare are those who cannot be bought = is this not the appraisal that stares at us now, questioning our integrity wherever we may exist upon this Earth? Has it not been amply and concretely demonstrated that the most intensive, rounded, thorough and perfected development of our instrumental nature, constitutes no guarantee of real humanness? That a monstrous project can form and take flight within the very culture of excellence?
We are not even the masters of our own individual domains, how could we be responsible of all of their parts?
How could any one of us ever claim and affirm and promise never to buckle and give, never to surrender, never to capitulate?
Whoever has had, when came its time, the experience to be born to the spirit, to be reborn, would wish to share it, for it then seems as if a very simple movement suffices – and yet how many lives and ordeals were needed before this single perfectly simple shift… of the consciousness? The consciousness imprisoned, reduced, hypnotized for so long that, suddenly, finds itself released and free in the true milieu, Life infinite… It does not take any time = the consciousness disengaged, its burden divested, light and whole… yes, afterwards, this is what one observes, when one has had to return, at once the same and ineffably changed.
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