Questions and Meditations
We need to come out of the deleterious rails and ruts that still determine our behavior = we need to SEE them and their absurdity.
And to that end we need to examine these laws and morals that dictate our choices.
For instance, it is commonly understood that each one of us must “earn one’s living”. And today the insanity of this proposition is so reinforced, ramified, detailed, perfected and inscribed that the economic status of an individual takes precedence on every other aspect and that even the teenager is expected to hold a credit card.
Since when are we the serf of this tyranny? Since the exploding of the tribes?
What then is the ideal, or rather the mode of material existence, towards which we need to strive, so as to free ourselves from those structural harnesses and criteria of appreciation that compel us to conform to given images and models? This more real mode of living the pursuit of which encourages our search for our own genuine capacities at the service of a collective harmony of creative solidarity = how to hasten its advent, practically? Whenever an individuality, a human person, exercises an activity that corresponds to one’s own unique aptitudes, a natural alignment occurs which generates well-being, balance and the sense of participating in a universal order. It is this alignment and it is this coherence that are lacking in our contemporary societies and it is their absence that corrodes the foundations of our collective and individual integrity.
But without this natural alignment of the individuality, expressing and corresponding to its own uniqueness, it is much more difficult to become receptive to the Truth-Consciousness.
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