Questions and Meditations
39 Finding the Guide
For each of us a day comes when the question arises as to whether there is any natural justice in this world, a justice which would explain the lucky, the wealthy and the talented as the deprived and miserable, the victims and all those who suffer.
And was there really any need to invent hell when so much hardship is already borne by some upon this very earth?
Fate, chance, destiny, karmic causes, distribution of individual ordeals, to which sort of justice must we refer = this issue is the major theme of our civilized human quests.
We ourselves untiringly go on judging one another by the measures our cultural, social, racial or religious conditionings provide or the criteria we have adopted as ours = our atmosphere stinks with our opinions and condemns – and this is the first pollution under our watch.
And yet who among us gracefully accepts the judgment made by another? Thus it is that we perforce must lend to the Supreme God this inhuman virtue = to be Just…! But, as we know our own nature to be fundamentally egocentric, we also must wish this God to be gifted with compassion – are we not all, without exception, “sinners”? Are we not all guilty to have, without exception, one day or another, somehow hurt, harmed, betrayed, offended or misjudged another?
Have we not all, without exception, at some time or other of our own itinerary, accumulated all sorts of debts?
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