Questions and Meditations


Much more recently in time – a mere half-century ago -, a conscious act has rent the lids and like an auger has pierced the layers.

The sword of truth has torn through the prism that fragmented the incarnated consciousness, revealing the Unity of all that is and the central Law of manifestation = in Matter too lies the Supreme.


This vast area, so far unknown and occult to the majority of human beings, now traversed with lightning bolts, became fallow land where to sow seeds and plant saplings = what is commonly termed “the new age” stirred to life, shaking and bracing and grafting ancient traditions onto novel forays, mingling millennial wisdoms with technological advances, making indiscriminate use of previously esoteric practices, chemical compounds and unprecedented perceptions in human awareness. With its blossoming of methods and recipes for joining spirit to form eliciting as many hopes as sarcasms, this irrepressible current like a tide suppressed or hindered for too long, took hold of all values and notations of experience with an unquenchable thirst for meaning and certainty.


Everything accelerated.

The collective discovery of new comforts, the rapprochement of cultures, the widespread handling of new means of immediate communication, the devastation of the earth, the demographic surge, the new masteries and the new slaveries = indeed, everything sped up.

The realization that all is linked, too, gathered momentum.




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