Questions and Meditations
Attachment, however noble – even the attachment to the irreplaceable beauty of the earth, to the adorable singularity of terrestrial nature, blinds us and prevents us from serving the Great Law: it separates us from the Force and Its Flow.
This supreme law of the manifestation is our one refuge, our one certitude, and our one support.
When the individuality surrenders to the Divine and relies wholly on the Divine, when the Presence of the divine within oneself as within all becomes the source and the way, the goal and the guide, and as the experience grows more concrete, a new trust develops which is at once faithful adhesion, plasticity, receptivity and aspiration for progress. One knows with certainty that nothing true in us, nothing innocent and sincere will ever be abandoned or discarded but that, on the contrary, our most profound wishes and our deepest dreams will be granted and find their accomplishment in the Being who is to come. And so it goes for the spirit of mankind to which we can identify = born of the cosmos, raised and nourished by its forces, never will it be abandoned – its unique multiplied truth will be preserved and protected come what may, for it is essential to the whole adventure of the manifest One.
These are but words – but words are links = the experience IS.
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