journal d'une transition
not be the way Auroville would go – there would be a Grace saving us from such a narrowing of meaning in our lives here.
On September 17, 2003, Arjun and I received an official letter, on Auroville Foundation Letterhead, from the Working Committee:
*To Mr. Arjun and Mr. Divakar, from the Working Committee of the Residents Assembly, Auroville Foundation, Wednesday, September 17, 2003:
“Dear Arjun and Divakar:
You have done a tremendous work for Auroville at the Matrimandir over the past twenty or so years, and on behalf of the community we thank you. However we have decided after consulting the community that in the best interest of the community the time has come for you to step back from your positions as coordinators of finances and workers.
Therefore we request you to resign voluntarily, effective before the end of September.
Again thank you for your service,
The Working Committee/Auroville Council, Signed by Sanjeev, Renu, Selvraj, Jaya, Ulli, Peter, Janet, Mauna, Swadha, Jyothi, Joy, Ashatit”
Note: The Matrimandir Workers Team met the next day or so; by that time, several people had shied away from the escalating drama – perhaps aiming at being able to remain in position, whatever the outcome might turn out to be, or simply out of a wish not to become unpopular. The buzzing in the market seemed to indicate that the ship was sinking, and one had to be rather independent and well-poised in one’s own understanding of things not to waver and seek the safety of shore. But others stayed on and didn’t think too much of the consequences; to them, whatever the outcome, this was a worthy stand, more meaningful and vibrant. The Team together drafted and finalised a statement, which was then posted and circulated:
*A Note to the Community, from the Matrimandir Workers Team, 20 September 2003:
“Auroville Council’s attempt to remove individuals from the management who question Roger’s design of the Matrimandir Peace Area is actually an attempt to side-step the issue of disagreement over the vision and building of the Matrimandir. The use of legal means to try to achieve this removal is to be condemned. This kind of politics is in direct contradiction to the spirit of Auroville. Nor does it bode well when a single individual, such as Roger, is put upon a pedestal of absolute power
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