journal d'une transition
Thanking you,
Auroville Council/Working Committee”
. Proposals for the consideration of the members of the Residents Assembly, i.e. all Aurovilians.
1. A new site management be constituted for Matrimandir composed of competent people who are accountable to the community and are willing to collaborate with the Architect. (I agree: . I do not agree: .) 2. The new site management team be chosen in consultation with the Residents Assembly at the earliest. (I agree: . I do not agree: .)
3. Those persons presently in charge of the finances and the work-force be asked to step back from their positions until such time as a new atmosphere of harmony,
collaboration and goodwill can be established at the site. (I agree: . I do not agree: .)
4. Preliminary specific studies, research and experiments concerning the gardens and the lake be undertaken in collaboration with the Architect, consultants and the Residents of Auroville. (I agree: . I do not agree; )
Name: . Community: . Signature: .
Note: I do not recall how much feed-back was actually said to have been received. But there was no doubt that it would be sufficient for their purposes. In another General Meeting that was then held, Abha tried to speak up, but felt too stifled by the atmosphere of it. So she decided to write up her mind, as clearly as she could, and posted an Open letter the same day:
*To the Working Committee/AV Council, from Abha, 11 th August, 2003:
“I was unfortunately too emotional at your meeting this morning – I ill expressed my thoughts. It was difficult to speak in a roomful of opposite thinking people, many of whom so obviously showed impatience, hostility, or just that they were humouring me in allowing a few minutes disruption in the unanimous direction of thought.
I will now put my thoughts more clearly in writing.
1. Your reaction to the governing board’s action (based on nothing more substantial than a ‘reasonable suspicion’!) of filing a caveat in 4 district courts against 4 fellow Aurovilians is shocking. Instead of strongly condemning this action, your reaction is smug and complacent acceptance. You appal me. You say that the action is not serious. Please! At least do not
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