journal d'une transition


Note: At this time, Roger A was back in his own house in the South of France. From there he wrote his appreciation of the new developments that had taken place to the Governing Board:

*To the Members of the Governing Board, Auroville Foundation, from Roger Anger, 16 July 2003:

“Dear Co-Members, dear Friends,

I am very grateful for your invaluable contribution towards the resolution of the difficult problems at Matrimandir. The stand you have taken will bring new energy to the Matrimandir workers and will allow them to find again the harmony and serenity indispensable to achieve the completion of Matrimandir. This resolution is also a recognition of the tremendous work of our Chairman who spares no efforts in promoting harmony and unity within Auroville. I am pleased to inform you that Pashi Kapur, a key member of the Aurofuture team and connected with Auroville from its early years, has accepted to represent me in the Matrimandir Core Group. The Working Committee had recommended the appointment of a Site Engineer and Site Architect to the Finance Committee in their letter of 10 May 2003. I am glad to inform you that Mr. S. Ramanathan has consented to take up this work on a part time basis. Ramanathan has been involved with Auroville in its pioneering stages as a member of my team at Aurofuture and I am very happy that he has agreed to help us at this crucial hour. He will be assisted by Jean Pougault who is already involved with engineering work at Matrimandir.

Anupama Kundoo, an architect who has already worked on several important Auroville projects will assist me as a Site Architect.

I trust that with the resolutions of the Governing Board and the contribution of the persons mentioned above, people in Auroville will feel to participate in the work of Matrimandir and surrounding area and I am sure that Matrimandir and surrounding area will be completed without undue delay.

With warm regards,

Roger Anger”

Note: Soon after that, Ramanathan was officially appointed by the Auroville Foundation as “a part time consultant to Auroville Foundation, to assist and advise the Secretary with regard to the responsibility of signing the Cheques of Matrimandir as compulsory/additional signatory”. We had not expected Ramanathan to lend himself to this. He had been known to us over the years and we had respected him, and particularly had the highest regard for his mother, who has recently passed away, a lady of fine insight and great inner strength, who had often donated, unconditionally, to the Matrimandir work. But it was somehow our fate to meet with such surprises at every step.

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