journal d'une transition
Fred revealed to us the work that has been done in Delhi by Kireet, CPN Singh and Habu to create “The Mother’s Institute” and obtain for it a 50% tax exemption for the channelling of funds to finance many of the Auroville projects; already Rs 40,000/- have come to “Pour Tous” and this is how we have come out of the pit… I recollected the dream I’d had a week ago of R.T and Fred counting large bank- notes on a big table, and this reminded me of the need not to judge but to simply to the work You have given one, in a growing sincerity, just as these people have been doing without our knowing it, for Your sake alone… *27-2-1978, Auroville: When I accept that I have also been woman in the past, it all becomes much simpler and my problem with the presence of sexuality in every relationship becomes more “natural”… Today the first stones for the walls of the new house were placed. *2-3-1978, Auroville: I cycled over to “Certitude” - this the new name for the complex of houses that has grown around Auroson’s Home – for the meeting… Two new Trusts have been formed: “Mira” (the Mother’s Institute of Research) and “Auromitra” with Satprem as one of the executives… *4-3-1978, Auroville: The boring of the new well is over : the men called me early this morning, they had reached a depth of 154 feet and the water-level had risen to 17 feet below ground- level, everyone was happy. Toine has been helping me to figure out all the steps, how to select the pump, when to get a compressor in…; I’m quite ignorant of all these things and I surrender and let myself be carried along, with the trust that You arrange everything. P.V came to inform us that Ben had just burned his whole house, coolly watching the fire while sipping his coffee; but the trees around it have been saved; he wanted to warn us that Ben might decide to come over and try and burn more houses! I like Ben, though! I guess that, as none of us was paying any attention to his megalomania, he had to do something spectacular… The whole afternoon we cleaned the small hut for C.E to move in. Mother I hope it is useful to Your work that Your children are happy, because the more I go the happier I grow! *6-3-1978, Auroville: I went to Narad for plants and we ended talking about the choice that seems to be put before us all, between Roger A’s concept and Piero’s. I feel quite lost: how could You say “Yes” to such different options, how could You bless such opposites for the same task?! This remains a total mystery to me… What do You want, Mother, I don’t know. You seemed to be surrendered to Roger A., to Navajata, to Pranab… who made You suffer all the more and who clearly show today through their actions where they stand! Why? Why?
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