journal d'une transition


With regards and all good wishes,

Krishna Tewari”

Note: Both Kusum’s and K.T’s letters became quite an embarrassment for the Chairman, who tried later on, on several occasions, to meet with K.T and persuade him of his having misunderstood his intentions. It is likely that such letters served, eventually, to hasten the Chairman’s removal from his post. John H too made a last attempt to awaken a clearer response from the Aurovilians in the Auroville Council:

*To the Auroville Council members, from John Harper, 6-7-2003:

“Dear members of the Auroville Council,

I think none of you has to be told that we have collectively come to a very serious turn in the Matrimandir game, with the direct intervention of the Government into the daily affairs of the Matrimandir. We all know that we have opened the door to this intrusion because we did not persist in trying to solve the problem of Matrimandir internally, within Auroville. A year ago the Chairman himself, in a general meeting, said to us that the way the situation would be resolved at Matrimandir would set off the precedent for the way other problems in Auroville would in future be resolved. It is ironic and sad that he himself has now set that precedent by moving forward with the takeover of the Matrimandir. What Mother wants for the Matrimandir is clear to me: She wants first that harmony and collaboration are established amongst all those concerned with the building of Matrimandir – there should be no exclusion -; and secondly, She certainly wants the soul of Auroville to be free from the shackles of any government. If you agree with me that these are the goals then you must put all your effort to fight for them. Do not, in the brief satisfaction of apparently getting the best of an old enemy (the MMCG), be lulled into complacency in the present situation. If you believe that this action by the Government is any kind of victory or progress for Auroville, then Auroville will have fallen asleep and will stand defeated at a very fundamental level – the level of the basic guidelines that Mother gave for our lives here. The most extreme opposites MUST be united here at the Centre, a true unity of all our energies MUST be forged – otherwise it will just go on and on. The path of elimination will lead us ultimately nowhere except to a field of unending discord and conflict. The Auroville Council has now, as never before, a critical role to play. Now as never before can your actions affect the course for all that is to follow.

The world wants more of us. The world needs a true solution to be found.

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