journal d'une transition
The architect has certainly not considered the vast implications of his action when he has brought in office bearers of the Auroville Foundation to act and interfere with what should have been kept as an internal Auroville Process. He has fundamentally altered the ‘rules’ of the process! Since the last year, much has accelerated; he and his friends have attempted repeatedly to make the Auroville Foundation ‘take action’ – of course in his favour! The Auroville Foundation cannot be a tool of some Aurovilians, however sympathetic it might appear at present. It remains always answerable to the Parliament of India. The simple truth is: if today there are persons ‘sympathetic’ to a particular perspective, tomorrow the opposite could be true. A door has been opened that could have unforeseen consequences for the Auroville Experiment. There is much in Auroville which could suffer ill a deeper scrutiny. Once interference begins it will automatically encompass wider areas – why has no one thought of this? It seems to me that the most important issue at stake is the vision of the city as Mother conceived it. The city has been gifted a soul to hold in trusteeship for all aspiring humanity. Mother’s vision placed the Matrimandir at Auroville’s centre as a living and vibrant spiritual symbol, a central and cohesive force with the power to radiate its dynamic peace to all of Auroville and beyond. She never spoke of a mere city centre; She speaks of a spiritual symbol, powerful, active and creative. She had its vision and She described it at length and in a manner that She elaborated for little else in Auroville. It would seem that while the humans were given much freedom to experiment with the city, the spiritual centre was to be Her Vision. And this is as it should be for only She has the Consciousness to give this Centre its universal dimension. She spoke of it as a double symbol: the Divine’s response to mankind’s (not merely the Aurovilians’!) aspiration for perfection; and also the expression of Auroville’s aspiration for the Divine. But it is also in itself ‘ the symbol of the Universal Mother according to Sri Aurobindo’s teaching’ . It is in this message that Mother definitively makes every single element of the Peace Area essential to Matrimandir’s total truth. It creates the mandala of which one of the crucial presences is the structure that houses the Inner Room. But this sanctum, housed in the Matrimandir structure, in no way downgrades the other elements. On the contrary Mother Herself states that ‘the gardens are as important as the Matrimandir itself’. In unmistakable terms, She speaks of Her repeated visions from childhood as She describes the living, pulsating and sublimely beautiful environment She wants around the Matrimandir structure. It will be a golden jewel arising from and housed in a fairytale bower of Nature. This vision is now sought to be proven ‘outdated’ by some chronological sleight of hand. Why would anyone want to deprive Auroville of something so unique and precious? Something that will turn its central point into a thing of immense beauty and harmony, capturing the most sublime elements of Mother Nature’s genius: flowers, shrubs, rocks, ponds, lake, trees, groves filled with birds. If the Centre looses some of its essentials not much can remain of the truth of the city and its Green Belt. (Already we observe Auroville’s physical body beginning to experience all sorts of ‘threats’). So what exactly is happening? Why are persons who should be familiar with all of Mother’s marvellous work in the domains of material nature What are the underlying factors that have permitted all this to come about? 1. A vision of the soul of the ‘City at the Service of Truth’.
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