journal d'une transition
*12-8-1977, Auroville: We all decided that we’d start today working around “Fidelity”, digging pits for new bushes, moving the fence ; B.B brought a cartful of compost with Ram Singh ; the people of “Fidelity” tried to oppose it, threatened to call in more police and villagers to beat us, but we worked on happily… B.B and others started to fill the pits, but Mir came in, vulgar and hateful: I was just about to pour a basketful of compost, but she stood there; I put the basket down, she grabbed it and threw it at me, insulting me in the crudest way, called me a “homo”… The others continued working, gently joking; she then incited two of the policemen who lost control and began to oppose us violently, but it ended in a general laughter and the police asked to be forgiven!
*13-8-1977, Auroville: Nicole brings the news that Nata has started a court-case against A.T. for having used the term “Auro” for the new incense factory in Auroville… I don’t understand how Nata could have gone so far?
*16-8-1977, Auroville: The “Fidelity” group along with some members of the SAS have filed a case against 35 Aurovilians…
*22-8-1977, Tindivanam: We heard that A.B. and Yus have gone up to Delhi.
Tall G. arrives saying we were called to meet with the police, at the Matrimandir office. They asked us to explain our position; then they put out a list of 22 of us they are going to arrest now – I am on the list. We answered that they have played a trick on us, and dispersed. Everyone was called to join us: it is not 22 they’d have to arrest but all of us, by force! On the road, in a car, the “Fidelity” group with Jagdish was waiting to see us taken in the police vans… We ended up sitting under the Banyan tree, about 60 to 70 of us, very close to one another. The police vans drove up to the tree; the children were with us, and the dog! Others still stand outside the perimeter. The police has the order to arrest us by force… some of us start uttering the mantra… they seize G.M first A few of us are still atop Matrimandir, watching intently; we hold each other’s arms; I am sitting by Gl; they seize rapidly more of us; I feel very quiet, no fear at all; I just observe that quick pleasure when the “trouble-makers” are carried away – the SAS people must believe they are winning the battle! Somehow they never come near me. Then, as many have been carried to the vans, the rest of us suddenly feel like standing up and running into the vans to join them; I leave Gl and run straight into one of the vans, pushing the policemen aside; we laugh quietly; others are repelled. It is after 5.30 pm when the vans leave, for Tindivanam. We stop once on the way, some of us are shifted from one van to another, they confiscate my spanner, lighter, keys, measuring tape; they force Krishna down on the roadside and leave him there – it seems they thought he was a tourist!
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