journal d'une transition
have the chance to grow and change, that they may participate in the building of Auroville. I do not believe that we have come on earth only to realise something we already know on an inner plane. I believe we have everything to learn, to discover, that we have to grow out of every limit through all that is different… Meanwhile individual aspirations must be sustained. It is not up to others or through others, it cannot depend on some psychic group- affinity – this may help, it also may not, the logic of it is not what we think! *2-7-1977, Auroville: I found some pictures of You and a drawing of the sun in an old review and read this sentence of Yours that is quite important to me: “… Far from seeking to fill up your heart with frivolities in order to distract it, you must with a great stubbornness make it empty, absolutely empty of all things, great and small, so that the power of that great emptiness may attract the marvellous Presence. One must know how to pay this Supreme Grace the price It deserves…!” *27-7-1977, Auroville: I see this image that often comes to me : You are back in a visible body, among us… everyone goes to You to get Your touch, Your love, to see You and be seen by You. But I stay aside, I don’t want to go, I am not worthy to go to You; You have to call me if You so wish… Then it’s like: no, You are not outside me; You are not what they make of You. I do not want Your blessings or anything from You – You truly are WITHIN. You are the One who exists in me, and only then can I see You, when this is clear, when You sanction it… How, I do not know, by a gesture or a call or a subtle move to draw me to You: that You are, outside, the One who is inside, within me, the very Same, and not what they make You to be, what they tell me You are. And then come tears of blood…
*29-7-1977, Auroville: A letter from C. relating her meeting with Satprem in Paris. What I had hoped has happened, she’s met him and he has done something with her, in her, many things are swept away; I’m very grateful.
*4-8-1977, Auroville: I see that I am inside Your arms, that the fact that this contrary, this antagonism is raised in my consciousness DOES NOT take me away from Your arms, it happens there itself, and I just have to look straight into it, WITHOUT FEAR, courageously and quietly, with the aspiration for the true consciousness. *8-8-1977, Auroville: We stayed the whole night on the road by the entrance to the Gardens, quietly preventing the SAS people from entering the area, and again we stayed there the whole day until after 7 pm. Then we all leave. It’s been a powerful day for all of us, something really happened, within and without.
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