with Sri Ganesh

Ever constant and ever Unexpected, Soldier and Servant And King, Sri Ganapataye Namo Namah

- 21-11-15:

Yesterday till late afternoon saw more abundant rain; in the night it was all calm and this morning the sun rays are reaching between the clouds… P. has offered five small golden tiles tinted blue or violet or orange, four of them bearing the figure of Ganesha and the fifth one the Auroville symbol…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Beautiful, Silent Knight, Monitoring From your unique vantage point All pathways And passages, Wearing Her colorful Banner And Rainbow Light For the beings to see

And gather… Aum Ganesha

- 23-11-15:

From last Saturday afternoon till late last evening it poured continuously; now, after a calm night, there is only a little drizzling… the garden is thriving and yields more flowers than I could collect on my offering plate… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Wrapped in the Riches Of Earth-Nature You stand in view So that all Open hearts May thus receive The Blessings And know the urge


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