with Sri Ganesh

- 13-10-15:

The air became cooler but the clouds have now dispersed…

Namaste Priya Ganapati, Bearer of Strength, The Highest Priest, Who will stand In the poorest yard As in the jeweled court With the same Knowledge Of Aum…

- 14-10-15:

Rs. 100/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, So refined and rhythmic And knowing Is your dance in the Path And so tender Is your Company, Ganapataye…

Let there be an end To the Spell Onto humanity…!

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 15-10-15:

The weather is now muggy, clouds are drifting by and the plants are wilting and demand watering again…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Will you help me to learn, Aum Ganeshaye…?


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