with Sri Ganesh

There has been a little rain both the last evenings… Today Rs. 500/- are offered and also the monthly interest has accrued to GAN Ac by Rs. 1,377/-…

Namaste, Lovely Ganesha, Timeless and ever Young And ready to serve, Massive yet buoyant, A presence on the Path For its integrity –

And A Friend… Aum

- 25-08-15:

Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste King in the Forest Of the Shakti, Holding Her Peace And Loving Care For those who have Outgrown all fear… Rich and Wonderful Is your Poise And Auspicious is Your Watchful Mass…


- 26-08-15:

Sri Ganesh Namaste, In your figure, Sri Ganesh, Radiates the Beauty And the noble elegance


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