with Sri Ganesh

For you are also The Priest of Her Giving...

It is a great sight, Sri Ganesh


- 16-12-13:

... The air has cooled rapidly; it was below 20 at dawn, with clear skies. ... An elderly, orthodox couple offers flowers and Rs. 10/-. Arunasalam offers Rs. 100/-; another Rs. 20/- are offered. But then, a while later, as I was weeding in the garden, someone came in to, apparently, do pranam and, seeing me there, came over to ask directions for a particular address and left; but a moment later I just went in to check and found that the Rs. 100/- had disappeared...! It felt very odd and a little upsetting, as it is the first time someone dares to take directly from the offerings plate, for one thing, and secondly because just at that moment Dinesh had come in to let me know his effort at tracing the fraud, that someone recently committed on my credit card, had failed (I found out some days ago that someone had been drawing money using my Barclays credit card for almost a year, for a total of nearly ten lakhs...). What is the message in all this...? But it does make one a little cold and tense – such a silent intrusion... ... I feel bad that someone could actually come in and steal from Sri Ganesh. It has happened that someone stole from my bag, right here, but that is somehow very different. I still do not grasp the meaning of this incident... Is it related to a sort of greed in me, a slight movement of wanting – to accumulate, to hoard, to increase, so as to guarantee a minimum of autonomy and safety or, even the ability to create...? I asked Ganeshji to use his noose and grappling hook and pull back the chap who stole the money, so that he himself would feel the shame of it and the need to return it and be cleansed... But on the other hand, to apply one’s own little will, to interfere and intervene in the play of forces, is itself questionable, as it implies that one knows better what is required or - 17-12-13:


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