with Sri Ganesh

... In the afternoon Parthy brings the lawn-mower and cuts down the grass all over the garden...

- 14-11-13:

... Again, Murthy offers Rs. 100/-. The weather remains sunny, although the nights are cooler...

Sri Ganesh, Magician and Knight of the One, Aum

... In the afternoon Parthy returns here to finish cutting the grass, by hand, around the bunds and the plants and the stones and rocks...

- 15-11-13:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, Mahaganapati Aum Seated within Gently you wait Through the ages For everyone to remember – Seated within On glowing embers of knowing, Guarding the treasure Till the forces and the beings Are ready...

Aum Ganesha Aum

Parthy and Sundarasu come in at noon to finish the pruning of the entire eastern hedge and clean the pond...

- 16-11-13:

... It started to rain last evening and went on through the night quietly and this morning the wind rose a little and the outpour intensified and became abundant... Later when it abates a little I work outside, weeding, wearing a light raincoat...


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