with Sri Ganesh

Are one Unfolding Meant for One Becoming...

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 23-10-13:

... Rs. 20/- are offered... These last several days have been a period of exposure: a number of near-misses and narrowly avoided accidents, along with the sense of having become quite obsolete...; everyone is sitting in the train, accepting it, and whatever I represent or have ever been able to express is to be extinct and forgotten “in the past”...

Sri Ganesh, You are the Friend, The Listener, The chosen Brother To report to Her And carry Her Blessings –

You wear Her Insignia Everywhere you go, Her messenger and representative, Neat and Patient and Watchful, Ceaselessly working to serve True Harmony...


- 24-10-13:

You are seated, A friendly King, On your simple throne, Nature’s creatures about you, With a tranquil gaze You watch and welcome, Sri Ganesh, And your posture is benevolent Yet somehow forceful,


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