with Sri Ganesh

Welcome, Beautiful Ganesha...!


- 14-10-13: Vijaya Dashami – Durga’s Victory

... It was ten years yesterday, Aida Puja, since I left Matrimandir...

Sri Ganesh, You ride forth And Bhoomi Devi Is Glad And honored –

Yet humanity still Understands not –

For it is still prey To the hungry devourers, Even though it is also The Home Of the Lord...

Aum Ganesha Aum

- 15-10-13:

... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, The Shakti’s Son And Magician To serve Her Work Of Love and Harmony, Sturdy and Tender, Aloof and Caring, Impassive and Intimate, With your gestures of bounty You call the true light...

Let it act,


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