with Sri Ganesh

- 25-09-13:

... Clouds are beginning to form again... Rs. 70/- are offered...

Your whirling, Sri Ganesh, Is a Scattering, a Spreading

And a Sowing Of the Seeds Of Harmony –

Knowing and Loving and Growing, Erect and Sure And Puissant...


- 26-09-13:

... Like a tide the entire police force seems to be entering, including the Superintendent, who politely waits until I am ready to do the Aarti, which he attends with a few others... Rs. 40/- are offered... ... There is no power supply today, and

Sri Ganesh sits in his pearly cave Lit by a few flames And from his mass Divine love is glowing...


- 27-09-13:

... Last night there came suddenly, after several hours of far, distant rumbling, a huge, single thunderclap right above the area, which was immediately followed by a moment of drizzling. Rs.60/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, Magician of the Mother, Link of the Planes, Overseer of all Pathways, Light and Purity,


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