with Sri Ganesh

- 16-09-13:

... Rs 10/- are offered...

Like a Massive Benevolent Bird Of the Worlds, Wings folded, Holding still, Watchful, Dense with the Blessings, You appear on an edge And the beings of the earth-nature

Greet you, Sri Ganesh


- 17-09-13:

... There is now a rather large question-mark. What is the progress I am still alive to make? And what is the actual meaning, if any, of this service here? Beautiful Ganesha, it is very difficult to accept all that is...

- 18-09-13:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You appear surrounded With secrets that are Exceedingly fine and harmonious, Jewels of self,

Perfectly honed and precise In their varied presences –

And these are like Your helpers, The powers of realization You may use


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