with Sri Ganesh

Is Hers alone, Only Hers –

Sweet, beautiful Ganesha Aum

- 22-08-13:

Priya Ganapati Nitya Ganapati Satya Ganapati You roam about, Your turban trailing Her Sweet Infinite Light...


- 23-08-13:

... There was a brief rain in the middle of the night... ... When I arrive this morning I find a huge advertisement board has been erected right in front of the wall, for some new local restaurant and, standing right beside it, two police – a woman in uniform and a man in civil dress, utterly indifferent. At once I set to loosen all the ropes and shake off the holding frame and poles and they just stare, with a sort of bemused inertia, only commenting that I am removing this board “without permission”...! Nowadays whatever I observe on a daily basis generally reflects the same unquestioning, callous and dumb apathy... Humanity is a very dangerous species...!

Each time you officiate, Sri Ganesh, You sow Glimpse upon glimpse Of the treasures, Like jeweled openings Into depths Of discovery, States of unique dearnesses And beauties –


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