Which town?
For, this adventure, as She would say of all great teachings, was of many breadths and depths = to each one She opened a path and an approach that corresponded to one’s needs and possibilities – and this is perhaps how and why Her town still exists, fifty years later, and continues to progress.
In order to emerge from the creation of the Mind, which conditions us all and out of which our personalities have formed, and to rise above its polarities – me and the world, we and the others, man and woman, life and death -, the first condition is that the psychic being must come forth and replace the separate ego. As long as we remain determined and defined by the ego, the polarizations and the tensions they generate are necessary for us to situate ourselves and to progress. It is thus that we have, along the past years, experienced the polarization and conflict of truths which should have, which still must, which will necessarily have to, find their creative union.
Truths. The Truth.
How to conciliate truths which, by their added exclusivism, make themselves incompatible?
It is not only of a synthesis that we have need, but of a consciously progressive aptitude to perceive the right place for each truth and its right relation with the whole.
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